Friday, May 20, 2011

Steroid Side Effects

Since getting my first steroid shot yesterday I've had a sore back. Almost feels like the muscle aches you get when you have a flu. At first I thought my bad and neck were sore from stress (I always sleep poorly prior to doctor's appointments and leave there feeling stressed, no matter how 'okay' the news is). But rather than improving after my doctor's appointment, my back soreness/tension got worse. It was hard to sleep again last night and I needed to sleep on a heating pad in order to get any relief from the neck and shoulder pain. I don't feel any abdominal pain or cramping, leaking is about the same with no bad smells or colour changes present, so I'm hoping this has nothing to do with labour or infection. After my second shot today, my back still hurts in that all overish (not labourish) way. I'm also just noticing a dryish mouth and throat and my boobs have that heavy, milk coming in feeling. Weird.

This damn well better be worth it.

Just wondering if anyone else had any 'adverse side effects' when they had steroid shots? How long did it last?


  1. So sorry you are in such pain. I hope this is helping the lung development - I know you are keeping the docs informed about your symptoms - don't be afraid to "bother" them with the details! Thinking of you...

  2. No, but wanted to tell you HELLS YES to the "getting to steroid shot" point. That's a heck of a milestone. I come every day to check, both hopeful and fearful, and every day that I see you and Acorn hanging on is a good thing. I'd probably be more inclined to...not disregard or ignore, more hopeful? than the doctors negative prognosis due to the fact that you've been able to build up fluid for most of the time after your pPROM. Having a 6 is great news!

  3. YES! I had them at 31 weeks and was so sore! The worse part for me was that I looked and felt like I had a sunburn. My skin turned bright red and burned on my face, chest, and arms!

  4. The steroids made me sore as well. Especially the legs. I also felt dry mouth and got very swollen in the legs and even eyelids. All sorts of weird side effects. Good thing you got it though, it helps so much with baby's lung development which you already know. I am so glad you are hanging in there!

  5. I didn't end up with any adverse affects from the steroid shots. Sorry to hear that they have been affecting you. It's got to be good to know that you have made it to this point in your pregnancy to be getting the shots though, right?
    Thinking of you always

  6. Hope you saw some fireworks from your bed :)

    Take care Emily.

  7. Steroids are usually used amongst athletes as a performance enhancer to continue to compete at elite level although this is neither normal nor ethical, it still happens.

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